Manufactured Sand(M SAND)

M Sand is a general purpose Building Sand that is free of large stones making it ideal to be used for various building applications, these include mortar, pointing and brickwork. This sand is simple and easy to use and suitable for both commercial and domestic use.

Weight Approx (KG) 1000
Size No
Applications Brickwork, General Building

Please be aware that there may be a slight variation in the size, shape and colour of this material as it is a naturally quarried product.

Manufactured sand:

Manufactured sand is produced at site by blasting granite stone, and then crushing it into the required sizes. This is followed by sieving to segregate the particles according to size, and by Screening using the Vertical Shaft Impactor (VSI) and spiral classifiers. Finally, different particles are blended to obtain the required grading. The resultant product conforms to the IS 383/1170 specifications and to the Zone II standards. It is used as an alternative to natural and river sand in the manufacture of concrete, RMC, cement, glass, etc.

Why Manufactured Sand ?

M-Sand has balanced physical and chemical properties that can withstand any aggressive environmental and climatic conditions as it has enhanced durability, greater strength and overall economy. Usage of M-Sand can overcome the defects occurring in concrete such as honey combing, segregation, voids, capillary etc.

The superior shape, proper gradation of fines, smooth surface texture and consistency in production parameter of chemically stable sands provides greater durability and higher strength to concrete by overcoming deficiencies like segregation, bleeding, honey combing, voids and capillary.

The crusher dust is flaky and angular in shape which is troublesome in working. There is no plasticity in the mortar which makes it even difficult for the mason to work, whereas the cubical shape with grounded edge and superior gradation gives good plasticity to mortar providing excellent workability.

M-Sand has optimum initial and final setting time as well as excellent fineness which will help to overcome the deficiencies of concrete such as segregation, bleeding, honeycombing, voids and capillary.

Usage of M-Sand can drastically reduce the cost since like river sand, it does not contain impurities and wastage is NIL. In International Construction Scenario, no river sand is used at all, only sand is manufactured and used, which gives superior strength and its cubical shape ensures significant reduction in the cement used in the concrete

M-Sand is the only alternative to river sand. Dredging of river beds to get river sand will lead to environmental disaster like ground water depletion, water scarcity, threat to the safety of bridges, dams etc.

Beside with the Government contemplating ban on dredging of River beds to quarry river sand, as part of the growing concern for environment protection, M-Sand will be the only available option.

An eco-friendly decision

We think that you are quite aware of the environment and about the illegal mining of sand; you would know that this has been increasing into a bullish trade over the years. The strength of sand is critical for construction of skyscrapers and mammoth commercial buildings, and so is the protection of river-beds from excessive in-stream mining. So how

do you maintain a balance between the two and make sure you contribute your bit towards the conservation of natural resources?

Well, there is perhaps an alternative that has already made its way into the construction sites. Manufactured Sand or M-Sand is created by crushing Boulders using stage 3 crushing mechanisms. This kind of sand is man-made and is thus more accurately prepared based on the needs of the building, from 75 to even 4.5 microns. This is perhaps neater, and cleaner of impurities than natural sand.

River sand is extremely useful as it is fine yet strong, and makes for a very good material for constructing a sturdy, sustainable building. But, disproportionate mining is leading to river bank erosion, thereby posing a threat to the people living around it. How do we opt between the two then?

With all the reasons and evidences, we ought to make a more eco-friendly decision. Natural sand that comes with all its silt, impurity and the environmental threat, or cleaner, purified, made-to-order M-sand that help construct cities and reconstruct the earth?